I've aped on OnlyApes since day 1 with no idea what I was doing... this post fills some gaps. Plz keep writing!

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Also on the topic of making memecoins better for retail, one of the things we built was a tester that tested token code ahead of time on hardhat by simulating addLiquidity and then doing a buy and sell. This way we could detect honeypots ahead of time and then just not buy them. I always wondered whether that might have any value to the community at large. We got pretty good at scam detection before the LP was even funded. Not sure if this is even relevant in Solana though

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Thanks a lot man, I appreciate this. I coded a custom sniping bot system for BSC in 2022 and did some decent profit but didn't get anywhere close to what I thought the potential was. Looks like it might be because I focused entirely on the trenches and missed the larger run ups. Hopefully it isn't too late to get back into it now!

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This is a great post. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks.

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Onlyapes cult member here 🦍

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